
Thursday, August 16, 2012

What Are We Doing?

"Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful." 1 Cor. 4:1-2
As stewards of God, it is required that we be found faithful. That isn't a suggestion for our lives, it is imperative. We must remain faithful in order to receive eternal life (Revelation 2:10b). What does it mean to be faithful, though? If it is so crucial to our salvation, we need to know exactly what it means.

Jesus gave us a pretty clear picture in Matthew 24:45-46:
"Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing."
A "faithful and wise" servant is one that the master finds doing work when he comes. In the same way, faithful Christians will be those that the Lord finds working when He comes. And so, the title of this post comes to light: what are we doing?

Unless we are working when the Lord comes (or we face death), we will not be found faithful. Since no one knows the hour that Jesus will return (Matt. 24:36), we must be constantly working so that whenever that time does come--we are found faithful. So let's examine some practical things we can be doing so that we can be found faithful:

  • Evangelize: Jesus told us to spread the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). If we heed Jesus' own words, surely we will be found faithful when He comes. If we are engaging frequently in personal Bible studies, mission campaigns, and conversations where we are telling someone else about our Savior, we are surely pleasing our God and our Savior. 
  • Help the Needy: Jesus told a story about the judgment in Matthew 25. He said that the judgment will be characterized by the things we did or did not do for others (v 31-46). If we are spending our time feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and ministering to those in prison, we are doing those things to our Lord. 
  • Give: Paul admonished the brethren in Corinth to abound in the grace of giving (2 Cor. 8:1-7). Be the type of person who is characterized by the way they give. Not simply giving when you have abundance, but give when it isn't easy. That is what Paul says is commendable. Give to those who are in need, yes, but also give to the church to further to cause of Christ. 
  • Teach: Paul encouraged the older men and women to teach the younger ones (Titus 2:1-6). If you are an older individual, make time to teach. The Lord needs those who are willing to share His message and to encourage those who may be weaker or less knowledgeable. 
  • Make Peace. Being a peacemaker isn't easy, and it isn't an idle work. Romans 14:19 tells us to pursue the things which make for peace. Those things must be sought-after! Peace doesn't just happen, especially when wrongs have been committed. Things do not simply blow over. Egos do not simply deflate. Instead, the Lord has instructed His people to be the ones who pursue that peace, and thus make the world and better and brighter place. 
Perhaps if we can busy ourselves with these works (and countless others), we can all be found faithful when the Lord comes back to receive His own. 

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